



Miles is KTQ Group’s first residential project on the southern Gold Coast. After an extensive tendering process and months of research, Manifesto was tasked to develop a brand and campaign for this project located in Kirra—an iconic stretch of headland with a deep-rooted sense of community and nostalgia.

Project Overview

Miles Residences is situated in Kirra Point. This new precinct will eventually house two residential towers—Kirra Beach Hotel and Kirra Beach House—as well as a boutique hotel, retail laneway and community amenities. To do the precinct and Miles justice, we set out to honour and connect with the community, its lifestyle and KTQ’s long-term commitment.

Throughout this project, we became an extension of KTQ’s team working alongside their key people and founder, Peggy Flannery. We discovered that time moves at a different pace in Kirra, and its restful feel and natural beauty are something you simply can’t buy. Stage 1 saw us working with the project architects and the sales team—crafting a detailed brand and harnessing it for a successful campaign.

Our role as brand custodians was to capture Kirra’s essence. ‘Miles’ takes the form of a word marque and is designed to identify the development location and reflect its characteristics. The brand identity takes cues from “a day in the life of a Kirra local”—using local colloquialisms, celebrating a natural palette and textures, and featuring a visual timeline on the website.

The peak of the market demanded an original campaign. We recommended a fresh customer-facing brand strategy that shared Peggy’s story and vision. After spending time with locals, we knew we wanted to share their stories and why they chose to live in Kirra too. As a result, the “I Choose Kirra” campaign was born. This campaign went on to become one of the most successful launch campaigns in the Gold Coast, garnering more than 5000 qualified leads pre-launch.

Our strategy not only delivered the leads, it also elevated the project and KTQ’s profile. We minimised above-the-line advertising, reduced the overall advertising budget and decreased time on market. With Stage 1 sold and construction almost complete, we are well underway on Kirra Beach Hotel, Kirra Beach House and the second residential tower, which is due to launch in summer 2024.